Vladimir Konstantinov: Achievingb of unity between the Republican authorities and the people of Crimea is our most important conquest

Achievement of unity between the Republican authorities and the people of Crimea - our most important asset. It was stated by the Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic Vladimir Konstantinov at the meeting of the Presidium on June 24.

When discussing the work of the State Council of Republic of Crimea on integration into the legal system of the Russian Federation, the Speaker noted that the first 100 days of Russian Crimea is a time of feverish work on transition of our Republic in the new legal system. “It is not enough for Russia to vote. We need to live according to Russian laws. In this regard, the State Council for 100 days spent the same number of plenary meetings, as for the whole 2013, adopted more than 300 legal acts, among them the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea and 22 laws. 11 laws adopted in the first reading, 30 draft laws prepared for the first reading”, - stressed V. Konstantinov.
