The development of the republic is entirely in hands of Crimeans - Vladimir Konstantinov

Gas, water and electricity in the region, the development of commuter routes, public transport, construction and renovation of kindergartens, preparation of district schools by the beginning of the school year, including overhaul of the institutions of education and health, the construction of boilers, reconstruction and capital repair of roofs of apartment buildings, as well as a number of socio-economic development of the region identified a number of issues raised by residents of villages and settlements of Belogorsky district during the meetings with the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov.

Agricultural area, according to the Crimean Speaker, that had traditionally paid attention to horticulture, viticulture, the cultivation of tobacco, the cultivation of essential oils cultures, with joining Crimea to the Russian Federation has received a new impulse to development.

Thanks to the prepared by the government of Crimea program under the state Program of the Russian Federation on development of agriculture for 2013-2020 have been foreseeded measures for the construction of complexes for milk production, growth and number of livestock, development of horticulture and viticulture. Special attention will be paid to the implementation on the Peninsula of the Federal target program of sustainable development of rural territories for 2014 - 2017 and 2020, which includes the development of consumer cooperatives, rural infrastructure and small agribusinesses, which, according to Vladimir Konstantinov, in a considerable degree of support for the rural population, to provide them with jobs and decent wages. Also in 2015 in Crimea starts program to support farmers, pays attention to young professionals wishing to live and work in rural areas. In general, active work takes place to bring life in the regions of Crimea to the Russian Federation standards.
